We can’t control everything and everyone in our environment, and some personal injuries happen more often in summer. Besides sun, summer brings with it outdoor activities and certain types of personal injuries. Keith Anthony Lawyer in Groton CT is there to help you when the worst happens to you or a loved one. Meanwhile, here are a few of the most common types of person injury cases we oversee at the Keith Anthony lawyer office and suggestions for avoiding them.
Keith Anthony Lawyer for Vehicular Accident Injuries:
Auto Accident Injury

Keith Anthony lawyer – avoiding accidents
Nearly 6 million car accidents happen every year in the US. In the summer those are more likely to involve younger drivers, motorcyclists and travelers. The American Automobile Association (AAA) refers to the period between Memorial day and Labor day as the 100 deadliest days of the year for younger drivers. The contributing factors for the nickname include speeding, texting while driving, running red lights, aggressive driving, drowsy driving and more. but teen drivers aren’t the only summer hazard hitting the roads.
Motorcycle/Automobile Accident Injury
Summer is motorcycle season. Signs have popped up in multiple states reminding drivers to ““Look twice. Save a life.” That is because motorcyclists are smaller and harder to see. Another dangerous practice is when motorcycles and autos share a lane. The practice is dangerous and can be fatal, especially to the motorcyclist.
Vacationer Accident Injury
And, of course, summer is also vacation time since the kids are off school. While a family trip can make great memories for the entire group, it usually involves driving in unfamiliar areas. Drivers in unfamiliar areas end up in more accidents than someone who knows all the roads and traffic patterns. Ever been too close when the car in front of you slams their brakes before making a hard left turn? Even when you know the territory, you could be involved in tourist related accidents.
Tips on Summer Vehicular Injury Avoidance
While nothing is foolproof, there are precautions you can take to improve your chances of avoiding accidental injuries.
- Stay one car length behind a passenger vehicle and further behind a motorcycle. Motorcycles can stop faster than larger vehicles, so make sure you give them more room.
- Double check your blind spots before lane changes and turns.
- Never share a lane. Give motorcyclists the entire lane to drive in.
- Never text or drive distracted
- Before you enter an intersection allow an extra few seconds in case a driver is running the light.
In addition to the previous precautions, learn what to do if you are in an accident in Connecticut this summer.
Non-Vehicular Accident Injuries:
Slip and Fall Accident Injuries
Falls increase in frequency during the summer months, as people head outdoors for work and play. Make sure your footwear is proper for your event. If you are injured from a slip and fall on the job, you could be entitled to workers compensation benefits. These can cover personal injury, lost wages and medical treatment related to the injury. Consult an attorney to protect your legal rights and ensure you receive what you are entitled to.
Slip and Fall Involving a Trampoline
A particular type of slip and fall accident is much more common in summer months. Trampoline related accidents have tripled since 1991 according to the consumer product safety commission. There are several commonsense ways to decrease the likelihood of this outcome at your event.
- Make sure the trampoline has a safety net
- Limit the number of children on the trampoline at one time.
- Supervise the activity. Prohibit jumping from high places like the roof or a ladder. (yes, this really happens).
- Make sure the trampoline is properly assembled. The majority of the injuries happen to children from the ages of 6 to 12, and are avoidable.
Water Accidents
Summer fun for folks of all ages usually centers around water, whether in a pool, river, lake or ocean. Severe incidents like drowning or injury will ruin the fun in a flash. Here are some ways to reduce the danger.
- Supervise any children in or near the water.
- Be sure to maintain equipment for the pool regularly and properly.
- If wet areas near the water become slick, check to see if there are friction strips, paint or mats on the surface.
- Survey the area before having people over. Make sure tripping hazards like lawn and pool equipment are out of the way of guests.
Keith Anthony Lawyer When You or a Loved One is the Victim of a Personal Injury This Summer
These are common personal injuries sustained between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Every summer, one of the most enjoyable seasons, people sustain severe injuries. They include head or neck injuries, broken bones, or even wrongful death. Whatever of the personal injury to you or a loved one, Keith Anthony lawyer in Groton CT, will fight for the compensation you deserve. If you or a loved one are injured this summer, protect your legal rights. Contact or call Attorney Keith Anthony for your free consultation.