Child Support

Securing Fair Child Custody and Support Agreements

Navigating the complexities of child custody and support agreements during a divorce can be a challenging and emotional process. Ensuring that these agreements are fair and in the best interests of the children involved is paramount. As a dedicated divorce [...]

Factors in Determining Child Support Obligations

Child support is a critical aspect of ensuring the well-being of children following a separation or divorce. Understanding how child support obligations are determined can help parents navigate this often complex and emotional process. As a family lawyer in Ledyard, [...]

The Right to Remain Silent in Criminal Proceedings

In the world of criminal law, one of the most fundamental rights afforded to individuals is the right to remain silent. This right serves as a crucial protection against self-incrimination and is enshrined in the Fifth Amendment of the United [...]

A Guide to Distracted Driving in CT

Connecticut law does not specifically define the offense of causing a fatality due to using a cell phone or texting while driving. Depending on the circumstances of a case, a person may be charged with multiple types of criminal [...]

What is Considered Distracted Driving?

Did you know that there are three different types of distracted driving? If you are a driver in Connecticut, or about to have a teen driver start driving, then it is important to know the different types of distracted [...]

Your Guide To Connecticut Child Custody Laws

If you have children and are considering a divorce in Connecticut then you need to make sure you know the child custody laws. Knowing and understanding these laws is important as it may have an effect on your child [...]

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