When a workplace accident is disabling, who pays worker’s bills? Who pays for the medical costs that are piling up? Businesses pay large amounts of money into workplace safety programs, but accidents still happen. In fact, the US Bureau of labor statistics reported 2.7 million work related non-fatal injuries and illnesses in 2020.

workplace accident
Know Your Rights
The employer is held responsible for most workplace accident injuries, but the payments are usually through workers’ compensation coverage. Regardless of how you can be compensated, if you have been injured at work, know your rights. Each state determines which businesses must have coverage. The state decides how much and how long employers must pay an injured employee. Sadly, employers don’t always follow the guidelines or feel they should deny the claims.
Can I file my Own Claim?
Anytime you have questions about fair compensation, speak to an attorney to learn how to protect yourself and your family. With that said, there are times you can file your claim yourself. You might be able to go it alone if you have only a minor workplace injury like a twisted ankle or small cut. Your case could go smoothly if your employer readily admits the injury occurred at work. When you didn’t miss much due to a minor injury, it could be possible to handle the claim alone. If you don’t have a pre-existing condition affecting the same part of your body you injured in a workplace accident, you might be fine. Even in seemingly simple situations like these, calling an attorney is a good idea. Injury attorneys can protect your rights using skills and experience they spent years building.
When to Consult an Attorney
Call an attorney as soon as you are injured. This is especially important if your injury is severe, your employer denies your claim, or delays payment. If your employer’s settlement doesn’t cover all your lost wages and medical bills consult an attorney. Payback, by firing or demoting you for filing a workers’ comp claim, means you should speak to an attorney right away to protect your rights. If you have a question about your claim, consult an attorney and get answers.
Types of Worker’s Compensation for Workplace Accidents
- Temporary Total Disability Benefits (TTD) – After a mandatory wait period, recuperating workers unable to work due to a workplace accident related injury receive TTD benefits.
- Temporary Partial Disability Benefits (TPD) – Once an employee can return to work in a “light duty” capacity, they could receive TPD. TPD is the difference between pre-injury pay and the new position.
- Permanent Partial Disability Benefits (PPD) – Provable permanent impairments, like loss of a limb can result in PPD payments. The name is misleading. PPDs are paid for a set number of weeks, based on wages and the severity of the disability.
- Permanent Total Disability Benefits (PTD) – When Workers are severely disabled due to a workplace accident, leaving them unable to work, they may receive PTD.
One Call Protects Your Rights
If you are injured in a workplace accident and live near Groton CT, call Attorney Keith Anthony. Keith will tell it to you straight and listen to your concerns because he is driven to help people in a fair way. As a former marine, Attorney Keith Anthony has a strong work ethic, drive and legal experience. Protect your rights with one of the top injury lawyers in Conn.
The Call is Free
Attorney Keith Anthony won’t bill you for the initial consultation. In fact, until he wins your case, he won’t get paid. Regardless of the type of compensation you are eligible to receive, Attorney Keith Anthony is here to answer your questions. Since information can only help, we listed a breakdown of typical workers compensation for workplace accidents