#child custody attorney

Securing Fair Child Custody and Support Agreements

Navigating the complexities of child custody and support agreements during a divorce can be a challenging and emotional process. Ensuring that these agreements are fair and in the best interests of the children involved is paramount. As a dedicated divorce [...]

Factors in Determining Child Support Obligations

Child support is a critical aspect of ensuring the well-being of children following a separation or divorce. Understanding how child support obligations are determined can help parents navigate this often complex and emotional process. As a family lawyer in Ledyard, [...]

Custody Battles and Co-Parenting: Navigating the Challenges in Family Law

Family law matters involving child custody and co-parenting can be emotionally charged and legally complex. Navigating the challenges of custody battles and establishing effective co-parenting arrangements are of paramount importance for the well-being of your children. In this blog post, [...]

Divorce VS. Legal Separation

Should you file for a legal separation or a divorce? We get asked this a lot, so lets break down the difference: a legal separation is a court order that outlines the rights, and/or duties of two parties who [...]

Divorce Lingo: Extracurricular Activities

During the divorce process you will come across different terms that you need to follow and you might find this confusing. In this blog we are going to focus on the term “mutually agreed upon extracurricular activity.” This term [...]

Why You Should Choose Mediation During Divorce

Thanks to TV, movies, and pop culture you are likely to picture a divorce, being spouses screaming at each other in a courtroom, fighting over custody cases and prized assets. We tend to think of something confrontational and emotional. [...]

Child Custody/ Visitation During the Holiday Season

It is officially the holiday season!! So here comes all of the gatherings, gifts and cheer. Unfortunately this is also the time of year when divided families struggle with where their children will spend the holidays and school vacation. [...]

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