attorney Anthony Groton

Securing Fair Child Custody and Support Agreements

Navigating the complexities of child custody and support agreements during a divorce can be a challenging and emotional process. Ensuring that these agreements are fair and in the best interests of the children involved is paramount. As a dedicated divorce [...]

Factors in Determining Child Support Obligations

Child support is a critical aspect of ensuring the well-being of children following a separation or divorce. Understanding how child support obligations are determined can help parents navigate this often complex and emotional process. As a family lawyer in Ledyard, [...]

Understanding When to Exercise Your Right to Silence

In the legal landscape, knowing when to exercise your right to silence is as crucial as understanding the right itself. For individuals facing criminal charges in Ledyard, CT, this decision can significantly impact the outcome of their case. Atty. Keith [...]

Domestic Violence Laws and Protection Orders: Your Guide to Safety

Domestic violence is a distressing and pervasive issue that affects countless individuals and families. Understanding the laws and legal measures in place to protect victims is crucial for ensuring their safety and well-being. In this blog post, we'll provide a [...]

Court-Martial Defense Strategies: Safeguarding Your Military Career

A court-martial is a serious legal proceeding that can have far-reaching consequences for a servicemember's military career and future. When facing a court-martial, it's essential to be well-prepared and to employ effective defense strategies to protect your rights and your [...]

10 Things to Know About Personal Injury

What you do immediately following an accident will affect the outcome of  any personal injury compensation. Following any accident, no one wants to think about a possible claim. Victims are overwhelmed with worry about medical treatment, property or vehicle damage, [...]

Keith Anthony-Lawyer Avoiding Summer Injuries

We can’t control everything and everyone in our environment, and some personal injuries happen more often in summer.  Besides sun, summer brings with it outdoor activities and certain types of personal injuries.  Keith Anthony Lawyer in Groton CT is there [...]

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